Belgian and Danish hotdogs on the BBQ

Hotdogs, an American classic, prepared on the BBQ, delicious! And because it doesn’t always have to be the classic hotdog with ‘Zwan’ sausage, ketchup and some fried onions, today we are preparing 'haute dogs'. Find out how to prepare a delicious Belgian and Danish hotdog here!

Belgian and Danish hotdogs on the BBQ

Belgian hotdog versus Danish hotdog

Both Belgians and Danes undoubtedly love a nice and crispy hotdog on the BBQ. Yummy! The Danish hotdog consists of a bun, a red sausage - also called Røde Pølser, raw and dried onion, gherkin and remoulade - a delicious sauce based on mayonnaise, white cabbage and cucumber. The Belgian hotdog consists of a bun, a thick bratwurst, Belgian pickles, spring onion and fried onion. Comfort food for the win! 


Preparation of Belgian and Danish hotdogs on the BBQ

For the preparation of the Belgian hotdogs and the Danish hotdogs, we use the Edson charcoal barbecue: a barbecue that you can even use as a bar table!

For the Belgian hotdog, finely chop the spring onion. Cut the white onion into rings and fry in a pan. Also cut the baguette into 4 equal pieces. All this is best done on one of Barbecook's bamboo cutting boards.

For the Danish hotdog, cut the gherkins into thin slices and the red onion into strips. For the Danish remoulade, mix the mayonnaise, the white cabbage and the cucumber. Also cut the baguette into 4 equal pieces.

Now that the prep work is done, you can put the sausages on the grill. Light the Edson BBQ with a charcoal starter. Preferably use Barbecook's sausage grill to make it easy on yourself. Clamp all sausages and place them on the grid of your BBQ. The bratwursts will need a little more time to cook than the Danish sausages. One is thicker than the other. Turn regularly.

Once the sausages are nicely cooked, you can put them between the buns. Finish off with the toppings and... enjoy!

Got the hotdog vibe just right? Then also try our grilled hotdogs on the BBQ with coleslaw!

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